Rotary Club of Bangalore Prime - Rotary India

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Total Services 20
Ganesh Chaturthi Fellowship

Members got together to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi at President Har. . .

Rotary Badminton League

Inter District Badminton League was held at Karnataka Badminton Ass. . .

Sammilana -iCGF on Public Image

Dist 3191 ICGF on Public Image- Sammilana was held at Shishira Home. . .

2nd Board Meeting

2nd Board Meeting was held at Bangalore City Institute

Rakshabandhan Ke Chat

Celebrating Rakshabhandan Ke Chat with Rotarians and family members. . .

Independence Day Flag Hoisting

Celebrating 78th Independence day at Rani Sarala Devi School, Jayan. . .

Friendship Day Cricket

4 Clubs (Bangalore Prime, Ullal, Greater Jayanagar and Garden City). . .

Meeting of Members during Budget Speaker Meet

Members met during the Budget Speaker Meet held in collaboration wi. . .

Meeting with Dr. Ganesh

Meeting with Dr. Ganesh, MD of Netradhama and Shraddha Eye Care Tru. . .

Cricket Practice for Friendship Day Cricket

members came to practice and have breakfast as part of weekly fello. . .

Meeting with FM Nirmala Seetharaman

CA Rtn Raghu K participated in a round table with Hon Finance Minis. . .

Meeting of Members at AiR Humanitarian Homes

Members met at Air Humanitarian Homes as part on the monthly physic. . .

Orientation for New Members

Orientation session on Rotary waas conducted by Charter President M. . .

Eye Camp at Rani Sarala Devi Jayanagar

Meeting with President Kodandaraman of Rani Sarala Devi and Dr. Ais. . .

Flag Exchange by Charter President Mohan

Charter President Rtn Mohan KV conducted Two Faculty Training Progr. . .

Board Meeting of Trustees

Board Meeting of the Rotary Bangalore Prime Trust was held at the o. . .

1st Board Meeting

First Board Meeting of newly elected Office Bearers was held on 18t. . .

Antarajalam - 1

Online Meeting with Members

Telemedicine Project Meeting

2 Telemedine center have been made operational by Satya Sai Sarala . . .

7th Installation of President and Office Bearers

7th Installation of President and Office Bearers was held on 1st Ju. . .